


对外      ,       他们      代表      国家      。


$ ./tools/train/otcws
otcws in LTP 3.3.0 - (C) 2012-2015 HIT-SCIR
Training and testing suite for Chinese word segmentation

usage: ./otcws [learn|customized-learn|test|customized-test|dump] <options>

其中第二个参数调用训练(learn)或测试(test)或可视化模型(dump),对于customized-learn以及customized-test,请参考 个性化分词



$ ./tools/train/otcws learn
otcws(learn) in LTP 3.3.0 - (C) 2012-2015 HIT-SCIR
Training suite for Chinese word segmentation

usage: ./otcws learn <options>

  --model arg                  The prefix of the model file, model will be
                               stored as model.$iter.
  --reference arg              The path to the reference file.
  --development arg            The path to the development file.
  --algorithm arg              The learning algorithm
                                - ap: averaged perceptron
                                - pa: passive aggressive [default]
  --max-iter arg               The number of iteration [default=10].
  --rare-feature-threshold arg The threshold for rare feature, used in model
                               truncation. [default=0]
  --dump-details arg           Save the detailed model, used in incremental
                               training. [default=false]
  -h [ --help ]                Show help information


  • reference:指定训练集文件
  • development:指定开发集文件
  • algorithm:指定参数学习方法,现在LTP在线学习框架支持两种参数学习方法,分别是passive aggressive(pa)和average perceptron(ap)。
  • model:指定输出模型文件名前缀,模型采用model.$iter方式命名
  • max-iter:指定最大迭代次数
  • rare-feature-threshold:模型裁剪力度,如果rare-feature-threshold为0,则只去掉为0的特征;rare-feature-threshold;如果大于0时将进一步去掉更新次数低于阈值的特征。关于模型裁剪算法细节,请参考 模型裁剪 部分。
  • dump-details:指定保存模型时输出所有模型信息,这一参数用于 个性化分词 ,具体请参考 个性化分词




$ ./tools/train/otcws test
otcws(test) in LTP 3.3.0 - (C) 2012-2015 HIT-SCIR
Testing suite for Chinese word segmentation

usage: ./otcws test <options>

  --model arg           The path to the model file.
  --lexicon arg         The lexicon file, (optional, if configured, constrained
                        decoding will be performed).
  --input arg           The path to the reference file.
  --evaluate arg        if configured, perform evaluation, input words in
                        sentence should be separated by space.
  -h [ --help ]         Show help information


  • model:指定模型文件位置
  • lexicon:指定外部词典位置,这个参数是可选的
  • input:指定输入文件
  • evaluate:true或false,指定是否进行切词结果准确率的评价。如果进行评价,输入的文件应该是人工切分的数据。

外部词典 (lexicon) 格式请参考 外部词典




对外_v    ,_wp    他们_r    代表_v    国家_n    。_wp


$ ./tools/train/otpos test
otpos(test) in LTP 3.3.0 - (C) 2012-2015 HIT-SCIR
Testing suite for Part of Speech Tagging

usage: ./otpos test <options>

  --model arg           The path to the model file.
  --lexicon arg         The lexicon file, (optional, if configured, constrained
                        decoding will be performed).
  --input arg           The path to the reference file.
  --evaluate arg        if configured, perform evaluation, input should contain
                        '_' concatenated tag
  -h [ --help ]         Show help information

外部词典 (lexicon) 格式请参考 外部词典



党中央/ni#B-Ni 国务院/ni#E-Ni 要求/v#O ,/wp#O 动员/v#O 全党/n#O 和/c#O 全/a#O社会/n#O 的/u#O 力量/n#O




1       对外    _       v       _       _       4       ADV     _       _
2       ,      _       wp      _       _       1       WP      _       _
3       他们    _       r       _       _       4       SBV     _       _
4       代表    _       v       _       _       0       HED     _       _
5       国家    _       n       _       _       4       VOB     _       _
6       。      _       wp      _       _       4       WP      _       _


./nndepparser [learn|test] <options>


运行./nndepparser learn,可见如下参数:

$ ./tools/train/nndepparser learn
nndepparser(learn) in ltp 3.3.0 - (c) 2012-2015 hit-scir
training suite for neural network parser
usage: ./nndepparser learn <options>

  --model arg               the path to the model.
  --embedding arg           the path to the embedding file.
  --reference arg           the path to the reference file.
  --development arg         the path to the development file.

  --init-range arg          the initialization range. [default=0.01]
  --word-cutoff arg         the frequency of rare word. [default=1]
  --max-iter arg            the number of max iteration. [default=20000]
  --batch-size arg          the size of batch. [default=10000]
  --hidden-size arg         the size of hidden layer. [default=200]
  --embedding-size arg      the size of embedding. [default=50]
  --features-number arg     the number of features. [default=48]
  --precomputed-number arg  the number of precomputed. [default=100000]
  --evaluation-stops arg    evaluation on per-iteration. [default=100]
  --ada-eps arg             the eps in adagrad. [defautl=1e-6]
  --ada-alpha arg           the alpha in adagrad. [default=0.01]
  --lambda arg              the regularizer parameter. [default=1e-8]
  --dropout-probability arg the probability for dropout. [default=0.5]
  --oracle arg              the oracle type
                             - static: the static oracle [default]
                             - nondet: the non-deterministic oracle
                             - explore: the explore oracle.
  --save-intermediate arg   save the intermediate. [default=true]
  --fix-embeddings arg      fix the embeddings. [default=false]
  --use-distance arg        specify to use distance feature. [default=false]
  --use-valency arg         specify to use valency feature. [default=false]
  --use-cluster arg         specify to use cluster feature. [default=false]
  --cluster arg             specify the path to the cluster file.
  --root arg                the root tag. [default=root]
  --verbose                 logging more details.
  -h [ --help ]             show help information.

nndepparser具有较多参数,但大部分与Chen and Manning (2014)中的定义一致。希望使用nndepparser的用户需要首先阅读其论文。 另,经验表明,大部分参数采用默认值亦可取得较好的效果。 所以在不能明确各参数含义的情况下,可以直接使用默认值。

相较Chen and Manning (2014),nndepparser中特有的参数包括:

  • oracle:指定oracle函数类型,可选的oracle包括static,nondet和explore。一般来讲,explore效果最好,具体算法请参考Yoav et. al, (2014)
  • use-distance:指定使用距离特征,具体参考Zhang and Nivre (2011)
  • use-valency:指定使用valency特征,具体参考Zhang and Nivre (2011)
  • use-cluster:指定使用词聚类特征,具体参考Guo et. al, (2015)
  • root:根节点的deprel的类型,需要注意的是,当前版本nndepparser只能处理projective single-root的依存树。


  • Danqi Chen and Christopher Manning, 2014, A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks, In Proc. of EMNLP2014
  • Yue Zhang and Joakim Nivre, 2011, Transition-based Dependency Parsing with Rich Non-local Features, In Proc. of ACL2011
  • Yoav Goldberg, Francesco Sartorioand Giorgio Satta, 2014, A Tabular Method for Dynamic Oracles in Transition-Based Parsing, In TACL2014
  • Jiang Guo, Wanxiang Che, David Yarowsky, Haifeng Wang and Ting Liu, 2015, Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing Based on Distributed Representations, (to apper) In Proc. of ACL2015